dolfrog (ID=0) (Aug 28, 2001 9:04:18 AM)
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Mini (ID=1) (Aug 28, 2001 6:45:59 PM)
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Mini (ID=1) (Aug 28, 2001 6:48:47 PM)
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fran (ID=2) (Aug 28, 2001 8:16:15 PM)
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fran (ID=2) (Aug 28, 2001 8:16:55 PM)
anyone on tonight? All must be a t conference
fran (ID=2) (Aug 28, 2001 8:17:36 PM)
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CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:30:46 PM)
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CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:31:42 PM)
I'll be right back.
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:40:31 PM)
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deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:40:32 PM)
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debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:40:49 PM)
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:41:03 PM) are you doing? Any rest for you?
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:41:20 PM)
not really
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:41:29 PM)
Stan told me you called last night....I was shopping for Corey's b'day flag.
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:41:32 PM)
just got back in town in time for open house
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:41:54 PM)
went and saw dr hall today
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:00 PM)
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deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:05 PM)
Oh, great, right?!?! *L* We have Gov. Bush coming on Thursday! YIKES!
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:26 PM)
best of luck to you!
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:28 PM)
Oh, so you did was it? Were you pleased with what they did?
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:29 PM)
hi jb
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:36 PM)
not really sure yet
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:38 PM)
Hi jb
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:44 PM)
hello, i have not been able to connect here for awhile!
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:42:56 PM)
sorry to hear that..happy you could make it tonight
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:43:30 PM)
yeah, i have been wanting to ask if anyone has heard of "the Listening Program"?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:43:51 PM)
I haven't e-mailed Dr. M yet, thought I'd let her chill...but I will in the next week or's just really busy the next 2 brother-in-law is coming sometime next week, and my Uncle from Texas is coming on Thurs.!
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:43:57 PM)
im not familiar with them..but i know there has been discussion on the capd list lately
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:16 PM)
she has another conference in about two weeks
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:17 PM)
Same here, I have heard of it, but am not familiar with it. Sorry.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:24 PM)
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:34 PM)
clearwater...2 day conference
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:37 PM)
Hey, did you have that conf. call? How did it go?
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:47 PM)
I am going to try it with my daughter.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:44:52 PM)
Oh, the $300.00 confrence! *L*
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:45:26 PM)
that's it
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:46:05 PM)
i've not talked to the hotel yet..keep missing them
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:46:07 PM)
Travis was sooooo excited to see a picture of Sarah...and Kendra too! He was soooo pleased when Stan told him Dr. M was very impressed with how well he does with spelling! It was a great boost for him.
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:46:28 PM)
do you have the pics done!?!?!??
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:46:34 PM)
Darn.....let me know when you do talk to them. Should be interesting!! To say the least!
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:47:05 PM)
i hate to run out, but i have to get my medicine before the pharmacy closes
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:47:31 PM)
been running since 4 am and havent had time to get it yet
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:47:33 PM)
No, not yet. I've got to work on Corey's b'day flag, then the pics. I got called in to sub today at school, so I lost all day, then spent until 6 pm at the Dr.s office. Ticked me off!
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:05 PM)
You go girl....I'm not going to be able to stay in long....maybe I can work on the pics tonight.
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:19 PM)
no rush..
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:36 PM)
jb im sorry for cutting out..i ran out of medicine yesterday and cant go two days without it
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:38 PM)
I'll try and get them started tonight when I get off chat.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:55 PM)
I'll talk to you soon. Hugs to the girls and Woody.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:48:55 PM)
that's ok.
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:05 PM)
*HUGS* to all..night night
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:12 PM)
Nighty night.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:14 PM)
debbie (ID=7) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:14 PM)
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deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:27 PM)
So jb, how old is your daughter?
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:32 PM)
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:49:43 PM)
Was she dx with APD?
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:50:19 PM)
she is suspected of having APD, they won't do the audiological testing until may.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:50:44 PM)
My son is almost 9, was dx when he was i month shy of 5.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:50:52 PM)
I'm back
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:50:54 PM)
that was 1 month, sorry.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:50:58 PM)
She was classified for preschool, they declassified her for special services for kindergarten, which starts next week.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:51:04 PM)
Hey are you?!
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:51:10 PM)
how did they dx him?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:51:11 PM)
OK, deb, you?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:51:55 PM)
Ok Carol. They did the whole audiological testing in the sound booth, and he also saw many other docs as well...ran the gamut. He was just re-eval last Nov.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:51:57 PM)
I am told the auditory system must mature, no testing until at least 6.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:52:28 PM)
That's pretty much the concensus I think, but, you will find Dr.'s who do test younger.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:52:51 PM)
what made you think he had a problem?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:53:53 PM)
Is anyone else having problems with AOL, tonight? My computer is doing very strange things.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:54:17 PM)
i am having problems with msn.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:54:23 PM)
His nursery school teacher is the one who first thought something wasn't "quite right". He also had poor speech, was a late talker, and very hard to understand when he did start to talk...awkward body movements, not knowing how to interact with the other kids, didn't participate in many verbal conversations, etc.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:54:51 PM)
does he get help in school?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:55:07 PM)
I got right on, now I probably jinxed myself for the gremlins to attack! We are actually in the midst of a terrible storm right now though.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:55:08 PM)
My daughter was totally different, Deb. Just like she was deaf, saying huh, focusing out, not answering
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:55:30 PM)
You guys have quite the storms down there!
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:55:51 PM)
my daughter cannot recall things. her age, colors, words for things like microwave ect.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:55:55 PM)
These kids will manifest their "problems" in soooooooo many ways....can make one crazy!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:56:03 PM)
Krystie also walked with her left foot in and odd hand movements
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:56:40 PM)
We actually haven't had much rain in the last month or so, but we sure have it right now!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:56:46 PM)
The conference made me look twice at my youngest. Her speech is immature and odd body movements. Will have the SLP in school look at her.
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:57:16 PM)
we are going to try The Listening Program. Suppose to lay down new brain pathways, kind of like Fast Forward. It only requires the child to listen to specifically designed classical music 15min 2x day.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:57:21 PM)
Travis had probs with both large and small motor skills also...he has had speech and OT since he was 3.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:57:48 PM)
Absolutely Carol!! And keep on pushing, as you well know.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:57:56 PM)
Krystie has the small motor skills problems but the school says she'll mature, I just hope it's before she's 30
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:58:01 PM)
my daughter is very good with fine motor, extremeley artistic also.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:58:25 PM)
jb, she's 8 by the way
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 8:58:38 PM)
my Bren is 5.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 8:59:17 PM)
Travis isn't much of an really have to "get him" to do it. I had him decorate a bag and make a b'day card for his teacher tonight, and he actually did it without much of a fuss. All depends on his mood at the time.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 8:59:46 PM)
Thats Krystie, Deb. Not artistic at all. Shannen is very artistic, it's her speech that worries me.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:00:00 PM)
What did you think of the confrence Carol? I was just soooooooo excited to meet dr. j?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:00:12 PM)
Me too, Deb, I had such a great time, there
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:00:23 PM)
That was supposed to be !!!, not a ?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:00:36 PM)
I thought Dr. Moncreif was great, too!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:00:50 PM)
I'm slowly losing this screen
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:00 PM)
I have to go do the bills. Yuck.....
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:14 PM)
talk to you all next time.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:15 PM)
Just finished mine, that's why I was so late
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:20 PM)
Me too. I had met her on a few other occasions, but it was always at a confrrence, and not much time to talk. This time it was different, it was OUR confrence. I like her a lot.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:20 PM)
Bye jb
jb (ID=9) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:27 PM)
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deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:35 PM)
Night jb....hope to see you next week.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:01:47 PM)
So you've been to other apd conferences?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:02:55 PM)
Today was our first day of school. I think it went very well. The teacher greeted her by her first name like she's know her forever. I like her. A nice change.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:03:42 PM)
Debbie and I have gone to a few in Gainesville at UF where she is, plus Orlando, not all gearing specifically to APD...some were for LD's, etc...but allhave been really great. We saw Dr. James Jerger in Gainesville a while ago...didn't get much out of that one, as it was for sure geared towards the proffessionals, but, we just wanted to hear him speak...he's almost like the APD guru.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:04:19 PM)
ok, that's one I've never heard of. Wonder how I missed him. Jerger?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:04:34 PM)
A good day the first day is always a good thing! Does Krystie like her?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:04:36 PM)
I got a lot out of this conference.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:04:59 PM)
She seems to like her, but she's liked them right along even though I struggled with them.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:05:13 PM)
I think I'm more happy that I like her.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:05:25 PM)
He's in Texas...has had tons and tons of articles printed, books written....very with a lot of adult APD VS> CHILDREN< BUT GETTING MORE INTO CHHILDREN>
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:05:42 PM)
I'll look him up,
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:06:29 PM)
It sure makes it MUCH easier when parent and teacher like each other, and can work TOGETHER!!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:06:55 PM)
That's what I'm hoping'
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:06:59 PM)
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dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:07:19 PM)
hi all
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:07:32 PM)
dolfrog, hello and very nice to meet you
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:07:37 PM)
Hi dolfrog....good to "meet" you....I am always reading your posts on the listserv.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:07:42 PM)
me too
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:08:01 PM)
thank you
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:08:23 PM)
Debbie will bum out she isn't in here tonight with you here.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:08:26 PM)
i hope they are helpful
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:08:49 PM)
very helpful, this is like having a celebrity in the room. I agree, debbie will be disappointed.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:09:04 PM)
Yes, they are. It's nice to hear what an adult has to say, how they cope, etc., as our children will one day grow up to be adults!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:09:19 PM)
I have been trying to catch debbie for a while now
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:09:19 PM)
You're right Carol!
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:09:54 PM)
She was in earlier, but had to go to the store to get her medicine. =(
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:10:22 PM)
I would invite you to the adult APD list but due toAPD we have to protect some members
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:10:43 PM)
Carol and I were at the NCAPD confrence this past Saturday...a great success!!!
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:11:15 PM)
Understandable dolfrog.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:11:27 PM)
Good i was trying to find out how it went I could not make it, too many other thing heppening here in the UK
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:11:52 PM)
What time is it there right now? It's 9:15 pm here.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:12:04 PM)
2.10 am
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:12:06 PM)
I thought it went very well. I learned so much about my daughter, husband and also my youngest that I didn't think had a problem.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:12:15 PM)
You sound like me...a late nighter!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:12:16 PM)
Oh my, no wonder we don't see you here often
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:12:34 PM)
I am on holiday
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:25 PM)
There is a conference next year in isreal on a more general topic
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:29 PM)
Ahhhhh, on holiday, and it's 2 am, and he's at the computer! But, I guess you take advantage of it...I would be doing the same thing! It's something you can't do when you have to work the next day.
mike (ID=11) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:44 PM)
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dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:49 PM)
I have been updating my web site
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:50 PM)
I agree, deb, oh wow, israel, wouldn't I love that
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:54 PM)
Hi Mike....
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:13:54 PM)
Hi mike
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:03 PM)
Hi mike
mike (ID=11) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:06 PM)
hi carol
mike (ID=11) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:13 PM)
hi dolfrog
mike (ID=11) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:37 PM)
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deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:42 PM)
Do you have a child with APD Mike?
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:47 PM)
chat gremlins, deb
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:14:54 PM)
Ooops....the gremlins got Mike I bet.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:15:10 PM)
Same wave length Carol....scarey!!!
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:15:15 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:15:20 PM)
Have you seen the site downunder
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:15:56 PM)
that's your apd site, right?
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:16:15 PM)
no the aussie APD site
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:16:21 PM)
Wait, yours, or another one? I have checked yours out, and I just checked out one from Austrailia the other night....another Deb came over for the confrence, and I checked out hers.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:16:31 PM)
I don't think I found that one, yet
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:16:49 PM)
Where did you find them, deb?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:17:14 PM)
Here it is....
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:17:19 PM)
if you look at the links section on the message board on the aussie site they are set out in APD style
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:17:47 PM)
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:18:00 PM)
Really, I'll have to go back and check it out again.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:18:08 PM)
You're welcome Carol.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:18:26 PM)
The message board is run by msn
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:15 PM)
I'm not sure if I looked at the message board the other night, it was quite late when I got on.
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:15 PM)
I'm so sorry, I have to go, my youngest is having nightmares, again. I'll check back to see if you're here when she's asleep, if not so great talking to you and see you in the listserv or next chat
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:38 PM)
See you next week Carol if you can't make it back. Good luck!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:39 PM)
ok bye
CArol (ID=6) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:42 PM)
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dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:19:53 PM)
just the 2 of us
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:20:26 PM)
Oh, I just see a corner of an instant message from another chat mom....I'll IM her later...she probably forgot about chat.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:20:45 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:21:01 PM)
how many are normally here
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:21:12 PM)
Your posts are always interesting, so nice to see a different perspective.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:22:11 PM)
It depends...sometimes we'll have 15 people in, other nights, maybe only 5. A lot of times, people tend to come in a bit later too. Usually after putting kids to bed, finishing up homework, etc.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:22:30 PM)
dr.j! is also a member of the OldAPDs forum on 2 counts, guru and sufferer, so I tend not visit the listseve so much at the moment
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:23:29 PM)
I also can only reply to the listserve from my domain email so it is an effort
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:23:58 PM)
You're right...but, as both a guru and sufferer, he offers both views. He was outstanding at the confrence. I was really quite impressed. He is a very warm and giving man.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:24:56 PM)
We often email each other on odd topics
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:26:06 PM)
He is very open to everyone...always extends himself to everyone. You don't find that too much with a doctor. He really gives sooooo much of himself to others and APD, I commend him.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:27:11 PM)
I have just re- structured some of my web site to be more APDish if you like, so that others can see how an APD thinks
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:27:57 PM)
I will ahve to go back and check it out. Ewwww, BIG thunder going on right now! YIKES!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:28:20 PM)
whare about acros the pond are you
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:29:07 PM)
sorry where abouts across the pond are you
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:29:08 PM)
I think it's so very hard for us non-APD'ers to REALLY understand what it is like on a DAILY basis, to have APD, and what you must go through.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:29:39 PM)
I'm in Ocala, Florida...about 2 hours away from Debbie Wood!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:30:19 PM)
We basically have to plan the day the night before so that not too much unexpected happens
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:30:20 PM)
I like that expression dolfrog....I never heard it before! Great!!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:31:08 PM)
it is a combination of my wifes and my own nicknames
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:31:28 PM)
How difficult that must be, given you never know what "monkey wrench" could be thrown in the next day. If one does get thrown in, what do you/ can you do to deal with it?
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:31:51 PM)
Cool, very cool.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:32:17 PM)
we have our coping stategies but we may not fully understand the unexpected, and try to buy time some how
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:32:55 PM)
me frog she dolphin
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:33:28 PM)
I am learning that with my 9 year old son...if he has too much information and is on overload, he tends to go on and on talking, so he doesn't have to try and process what he is hearing. So many different things.....
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:34:02 PM)
hunour is a great time maker
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:34:30 PM)
I always wondered what dolfrog meant...I like the combination...frog and dolphin...
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:34:53 PM)
we also talk alot to try to convince ourselves that we have covered every angle of a topic so that both sided understnd??
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:35:09 PM)
That makes sense.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:35:40 PM)
there are not too many dolfrogs
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:35:47 PM)
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:35:58 PM)
No, there aren' are very unique!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:36:32 PM)
some one actually looked up dolfrog to find my site last week
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:36:51 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:37:30 PM)
mind you on a chat a few months back caught dr.j! out gorflod
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:38:00 PM)
debbie worked it out
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:38:38 PM)
Debbie is very good at working things out! She is pretty darn amazing, that woman!!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:39:14 PM)
us APDs have a strange sense of humour it comes out on the old APDs we see so many different meanings in what people say
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:39:50 PM)
yep debbie and i go aback 2 years over the internet now
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:40:10 PM)
we use AOL Im when i am on line
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:40:50 PM)
I call her Busy DEe
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:40:57 PM)
I bet you doesn't surprise me. That is how I met her, through her first web site...we have become very good friends since then. I admire her, and all she does.
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:41:21 PM)
And a very appropriate name for her too dolfrog!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:42:16 PM)
I amy be coming over to the USA in the next year or so not too sure when yet though
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:42:38 PM)
Where abouts would you be going in the US?
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:42:58 PM)
I have already met one APD family from Missouri when they came to Europe
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:43:59 PM)
could be florida, and the south, but nothing is fixed yet, my son has a freind in the mid west
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:44:08 PM)
Well, the one thing about the US, it's big, and has lots of great places to visit. I myself, have never been out of the country. I would love to be able to do some traveling...some day, some day.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:45:04 PM)
APDs seem to understand each other well when thwey meet
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:45:21 PM)
Well, you have quite a few APD families in Florida....just keep us posted on your travel plans!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:45:44 PM)
is it the climate thwere
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:45:53 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:46:23 PM)
I want to met dr.j! as a must
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:46:51 PM)
sorry about the typos
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:46:52 PM)
Must be! Well, wait a second...we just moved here almost 2 years ago from upstate New it's not the drinking water!
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:48:03 PM)
Don't worry about the typos...I'm having a rather ok typing night tonight...unusual!! *LOL* Yes, meeting dr.j! would be a must....he really is a wonderful man.
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:48:36 PM)
i am geting sleepy catch again later
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:48:45 PM)
bye for now
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:49:10 PM)
Goodnight...SOOOOO glad you made it in! I will tell Debbie!
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:49:16 PM)
deb (ID=8) (Aug 28, 2001 9:49:21 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:49:23 PM)
dolfrog (ID=10) (Aug 28, 2001 9:49:26 PM)
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